
如果我是间谍 (1967)
Si j'étais un espion

95 分钟| 剧情, 惊悚 |法国

Bernard Blier directs and stars in this routine spy saga. A vacationing doctor is caught in a web of international espionage after his chance meeting with a medical patient in Poland. He is soon followed by a concerned secret service agent (Bruno Cremer) who warns the unsuspecting doctor that his daughter could be in danger. The physician's chance encounter with the man he trea...

Bernard Blier directs and stars in this routine spy saga. A vacationing doctor is caught in a web of international espionage after his chance meeting with a medical patient in Poland. He is soon followed by a concerned secret service agent (Bruno Cremer) who warns the unsuspecting doctor that his daughter could be in danger. The physician's chance encounter with the man he trea...



