The film tells the story of how, in post-war Spain, Narcisa (played by Aria Bedmar), a novice with supernatural powers, arrives at a former convent, now a school for girls, to become a teacher. As the days go by, the strange events and increasingly disturbing situations that torment her will eventually lead her to uncover the terrible web of secrets that surround the convent an...
The film tells the story of how, in post-war Spain, Narcisa (played by Aria Bedmar), a novice with supernatural powers, arrives at a former convent, now a school for girls, to become a teacher. As the days go by, the strange events and increasingly disturbing situations that torment her will eventually lead her to uncover the terrible web of secrets that surround the convent an...
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【死亡修女】【1080p / 4KHDR 杜比】【内嵌/内封 官方中字/简繁英字幕】【影视分享屋】 | 11 个月前 |
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死亡修女[简繁英字幕].Sister.Death.2023.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.DDP.5.1.Atmos.H.264-Drea… | 3.58GB | 11 个月前 | |
Sister.Death.2023.ENGLISH.DUBBED.1080p.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.Atmos.H264-AOC | 3.09GB | 11 个月前 |